Take Action



Raising awarness is critical, it doesn’t always have to be serious, it can be fun too! If you enjoy the outdoors, get a group of friends and then ask them to invite their friends to do a walk or run for TibetClimateCrisis. Let people know what your doing and why it’s important by printing flyers to distrubute on the walk.


Put together a talk or film screening on the pressing issues facing the Tibet’s enviornment and the effects it has on the rest of the world. Invite a speaker, or if you feel knowleable of on the subject co-panel the disucssion! For some it might be easy to invite a speaker, if that’s the case why not host a talk online? We’re here to help, get in touch with us for ideas and materials: info@tibetclimatecrisis.org



What is the Tibet Climate Crisis?
#ClimateActivist finds out

Tibet is the climate crisis conversation not happening today, let’s change that!
Tibet is melting 3 times faster than the rest of the earth.

SHARE THIS VIDEO, so we can have these important conversations and make a real difference for the planet!



April is global climate month, we should be in the streets but its not safe to go out due to ongoing coronavirus pandemic. So take your actions online! Find creative ways to speak out Tibet’s climate crisis digitally! It is time we change our behaviour so we can protect our planet for generations to come.

Raise #TibetClimateCrisis for your Friday Climate Strike

Step 1: Take a photo of yourself holding a TibetClimateCrisis sign, or if you’re in isolation with others take one together!

Step 2. Share the photo Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter with #TibetClimateCrisis

“In my home province, the nomads have a saying:

for man, hell is when you fall into a dream made of your desires. If

you are a bird, hell is when you fall into human hands.”
– Nyima Gyaltsen, Tibetan Nomad